How You Save Money from Cloth Diapers?

Are you aware that a full diapering baby consumes about RM3942.00 in disposable diaper for 3 years time?
With the cloth diaper solution, you will be able to save as much as RM3000.00.
Instead of spending these money into the disposable diaper, should you save the money for your baby and use it for other purpose like nutrition, education, talent development etc?
Mykidz Corner prepared a projected calculation on the disposable diaper expenses for you. In this calculation , an average cost for a disposable diaper is about RM0.60 per piece. (The calculated figure subjected to different ways of usage for each individual)
For a full time disposable diapering baby, he/she will probably  utilized 6 diapers a day:
Day time usage,  6:00AM - 8:00PM = 14 Hours.
Changing of diaper for every 3 hours: 14 Hours/ 3 = 4.6 , round up to 5 diapers.
Night time usage, 8:00PM - 6:00AM = 10 Hours
Assume your baby only use 1 diaper in night time. 
Total: 5 Diapers + 1 Diaper = 6 Diapers per day.
You spend:   6 Diapers x RM0.60 = RM3.60 per day
In 3 years time you spend: 3 years x 365 days x RM3.60=RM3942.00
If you go for cloth diaper solution, and assuming you purchase 10 cloth diaper in 1st year, and each one is about RM45.00, you will spend RM450.00 on you baby diapering.
In the second year, you purchase 5 more new cloth diapers for RM225.00.
In the thid year, you again purchase 5 more new cloth diapers for RM225.00.
Totally in 3 years time, you spend RM450.00 + RM225.00 +RM225.00 = RM900.00
Comparing to Disposable Diaper, your will save  RM3942.00  - RM900.00 = RM3042.00
If you take good care of the cloth diapers, you will have 20 cloth diapers for your next baby, and this will get the money saving in double. What more another baby...

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